"No way! Who wants to be an engineer?! Everyone's an engineer these days".
"I don't want to be a doctor. I don't have the mindset".
"I hate history".
"I don't want to be a geek doing Maths".
"I don't have time for extra-curriculars. I would rather hang out with friends and have fun. Life is short".
These are some of the statements that I have actually heard from some kids / young adults out there. They don't know what they want to do w.r.t college or a career. They have been to career counselors, they have mostly supportive parents, but still they don't know what they would really be happy doing. Each one of them however knows that they want to do something "cool". What that "cool" is, nobody truly knows although they do seem to think photography, bollywood dance, fashion designing, journalism are cool. But then they don't have a plan to pursue those. Some even think that it is hard to break into those fields (which I agree is true). So they don't want to pursue them when they can actually make about 20k (Rs) per month at a call-center which is enough to have a so-called "fun" life. It seems to me that "having fun" has become the utmost important criteria for many young adults these days. I totally agree that pursuing a stream or line that is fun is absolutely important and also agree that only when one pursues their passion will they be truly having fun. But not pursuing anything because nothing is fun doesn't make sense either. Off-late the media has been going crazy on the topic of letting kids pursue their true passion when it comes to college, degrees, careers etc. But I wonder if many kids have the ability to find what their true passion is and the tenacity to pursue it? I don't blame them at all. At many points in life, I was extremely confused about what I wanted to do, what my short-term (let alone long-term) goals were. Many times I was even pretty convinced I had no exceptional talent to show-off (just check my blogname, I don't need to say this really!). Am I the odd-ball for not knowing what my special talent was? I doubt it! I have met many kids (during my college days and now-a-days) in the same state of confusion. To make matters worse, some of the kids seem to have shocking amounts of apathy towards everything out there. I'm beginning to think that this is the case of the average kid. I'm also beginning to think average is the norm. Otherwise instead of having a hundred million engineers and call-center tech, we would have had a million Rehmans or a million Sachin Tendulkars or a million Vikram Seths. But there aren't, are there?
Also parents are being blamed for driving kids the wrong way. But if I were a parent with a kid who doesn't know and many times doesn't care about what interests him, am I wrong in encouraging him towards taking the path of least resistance, towards the path that most people seem to be taking, towards careers that most people seem to be making a life out of? When a kid is not displaying any great talent towards anything, will sticking to the common path not have a greater chance of a better ROI? Even when a kid says he is interested in something off-the-track like photography and takes a few pictures of this and that, what's to say he can convert it into a career if he doesn't have a plan to go about it? Should a parent allow enough time and money to let the kid experiment and possibly fail? Otherwise, what is a parent supposed to do to help their kid realize his passion? OTOH we have stars (MJ?, Williams sisters?, Steffi Graf?, Tiger Woods?) born because of their parents pushing them towards a dream career. While many might blame the parent for the chaos in these stars' lives today, it is also necessary to accept that at most times these stars are loving what they do even if they were pushed to love it so.
The barrage in the media against the top universities is somewhat annoying too. IMHO, the image that such colleges are all pressure cookers waiting to burst is not quite true. I know and meet many who come out of these top universities and I think most of them are well-rounded individuals. Many of them are not only jacks of many trades, they are masters of some too. They have many fun anecdotes about their college lives just like any of the others from the not-so-top universities. It is not like they were pressured to cram all the time and not have any fun like the media makes it out to be. So why this rage against the top universities? Why is it wrong to encourage a kid to do well so he can go to a top school? I of course know it is wrong for a parent to set unreasonable expectations for kids and to define their lives through the colleges they go to but then am I not sending a wrong message that mediocrity is OK if I asked my kid to not aim for the top?
What do you think? Is everyone really supposed to have some innate special talent or passion? If so how does one go about finding it? Is it the education system that uses inefficient teaching methods thus making everything boring and nothing special? Is it the parents who do not present enough learning opportunities to the kids? What kind of pressure from the parent is considered positive? Is it wrong to encourage a kid to excel in at least some things they are pursuing? Tell me.. I want to learn.