Friday, March 19, 2010

I dream of...

thankfully.. not Jeannie.

These days I dream about topics I could write about on this blog. Trust me they really feel like juicy, witty, profound blog worthy topics in my dreams. But I can't remember them the minute I wake up. Very frustrating. Usually my dreams aren't about blogging though. In the past I have had this one recurring dream where our families are opposed to our marriage and they are making me 'see' other guys. I'm thrashing about only to wake up and realize 'hey! relax. I'm already married to the one' and what a relief that is. I go back to sleep in peace. I have had this other dream where I'm late to an exam in primary school or middle school perhaps but my school uniform is not ironed, I can't find my pencil box, I don't have my books, my bicycle has a flat tire and so on. I'm really perplexed about this one because I'm known to be a cooler-than-thou exam taker. The other interesting aspect of my dreams is that they are mostly in mute. I don't speak. People in my dreams don't speak. But we are telepathic. I know exactly what everyone is thinking or feeling. Sometimes I really really need to say something in the dream to save the situation but I just can't. I try to say something but it feels like my lips are sewed together. At such times I wake up and feel glad that I'm not in said situation. This might be because I don't talk in my sleep. May be if I did talk in my sleep, my dreams would have been talkies. I have never had nightmares or scary dreams though. I have never had any demons chasing me or lions trying to eat me etc. My dreams are mostly mundane, day-to-day stuff. I have even dreamt of solving some work related problem and I seem to solve it with ease in my dreams. Sometimes I do remember the solutions and they actually are implementable! Yeah, how exciting, not! I have dreams where I'm falling though, but I don't have any context to these falls. I'm just falling, that's it and I wake up with a jerk and that dream is over. There's some myth that if I don't wake up before I land, I'm dead. I guess I have woken up alright so far!

What dreams wake you up?


  1. There are 2 recurring dreams that wake me up...and I'd love to have them analysed!@
    1. I'm getting married to some other guy to whom my marriage has been arranged but I don't know him, but SH is still alive n kicking, nobody seems to be bothered that I'm still married to and in love with him! Creepy, I tell ya!
    2. A dog is sinking its sharp teeth into my hand, I can FEEL it!

    An today morning I dreamt that both my father and hubby died! Regardless to say, I woke up VERY weepy :(

  2. the dreams in my afternoon nap seem very real and intense.

    i sleep through phone calls, door bangs and slept on instead of picking up firstborn. i was 20 minutes late.

  3. hurrah!
    my comment appeared!

  4. Yeah, I've had dreams where the words are stuck in my throat, I want to say something but the voice wouldn't come! But there have also been times when I've woken up shouting, especially if I am in the middle of a fight in my dream :)

    And falling...I usually zip across at F1 speed in my dreams. I can actually remember the places the morning after and I am not in any vehicle usually! Just like what would that mean ?:)

  5. Mine is a wedding one too. Its the eve of my wedding and I am all decked up. And I am crying to my mom to stop the wedding because I want to study more (!!!). And my mom says the guests are already here and its too late to do anything now, and if I didnt want the wedding why did I agree to it in the first place? And thats what I am wondering too. How did I let this happen? And at this point I wake up with a sweat.

    I think it has to do with one of my 10th std classmates getting married off because her ailing grandparents wanted to see her married before they kicked the bucket. I was shocked by that , but didnt think it would stay with me for years after.

    Its been a while since I got this dream (rather nightmare). I think my subconscious mind has finally registered that I did study all I wanted before I got married :)

  6. Mine is a wedding one too. Its the eve of my wedding and I am all decked up. And I am crying to my mom to stop the wedding because I want to study more (!!!). And my mom says the guests are already here and its too late to do anything now, and if I didnt want the wedding why did I agree to it in the first place? And thats what I am wondering too. How did I let this happen? And at this point I wake up with a sweat.

    I think it has to do with one of my 10th std classmates getting married off because her ailing grandparents wanted to see her married before they kicked the bucket. I was shocked by that , but didnt think it would stay with me for years after.

    Its been a while since I got this dream (rather nightmare). I think my subconscious mind has finally registered that I did study all I wanted before I got married :)

  7. Starry: Your marriage dream sounds eerily like mine. :) Let me know if you get it analyzed sometime..
    MiM: Yay! Your comment appeared. And you took a nap? I think you should just bear whatever you dreamt about for the sake of the nap. :)
    MFT: Falling is horizontal motion for you?
    TPL: Hmm.. looks like you have correctly analyzed the marriage dream. I had a friend like that as well who got married after 10th.

  8. I always have a dream where I am going about my pre-marriage life and I am dissatisfied. I have a feeling that something is missing but I can't put my finger or in.

    Or I dream that I am married to the wrong guy.

    Both times I wake up and find K next to me and go back to sleep peacefully.

    Another weird dream I have is that I am trying to talk and all my teeth are falling out. I can even taste the blood in my mouth!

  9. Interesting!

    Same as you - used to get the the exam one and the falling one. Was a cool exam-taker too.

    Have had the getting-married-by-force one as well - used to be petrified of this jobless romeo type (albeit harmless) chap and also a classmate got married at age 11 (similar reason as above) so maybe the two mixed up Bollywood style!

    The worst was the one where I got into a bus and left my kid in her stroller out but the bus started and simply wouldn't stop. New parent anxieties I guess.

    Thankfully all of that is long gone. What do I dream of these days? Can't even remember!

  10. Oh well, I meant that feeling of moving very fast and without control....I always feel like I am skating but may be I am actually falling :)

  11. My dreams when I do get them are always associated with things happening in my life at that point of time. Soon after I moved countries after marriage , my recurring dream was that something was wrong with my parents and I wasn't there with them. Over the years that has faded and more mundane day to day event related themes have taken over. You have to get Guddi to comment for some real interesting and lively dreams :)

  12. Orgasms!! I do.. I really do!! Should do a post on them.. the dreams, I mean...

  13. i dont seem to remember any of my dreams! bah!! but i get the falling sensation on rare occasions.

    loved reading the post and the comments!
